• Question: why is the earth flat?

    Asked by anon-232573 to Mark, Liam, Laura, Kasia, Gina, Felix on 19 Nov 2019.
    • Photo: Liam Gaffney

      Liam Gaffney answered on 19 Nov 2019:

      Eratosthenes already proved that it was round in around 250 BCE. Here’s Carl Sagan explaining his experiment beautifully in Cosmos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8cbIWMv0rI

    • Photo: Laura Sinclair

      Laura Sinclair answered on 19 Nov 2019:

      Liam answered this question well. Thankfully, human kind has realised the world isn’t flat for over 2000 years. This has enabled us to move onto more important scientific concepts and discoveries.

    • Photo: Felix Warren

      Felix Warren answered on 19 Nov 2019:

      As the other scientists have shown the earth has been proven to be round in many was, I think Greeks did it first using the sun as a point of reference, watching the shadows move during the day to calculate the circumference of earth.

      But flat earth believers do have a number of observations and experiment’s that “show” that earth is flat, most of these are them looking at the world around them and saying ‘well it looks flat!’.

      However a interesting example they use is known as the beford experiment where they lined up poles on a flat canal over a long distance and found that they lined up. From this they determined they all go in a straight line and thus must be flat.

      This by itself shows the earth to be flat, however it ignores a number of factors such as how light refracts through air. Due to earth’s gravity and how light travels through air it actually bends downward approximately matching earth’s curve.

      Experiments like this are a good example of the level of detail and control that scientists must go-to when planning an experiment. the Bedford experiment may look good at a glance but because they missed or chose to ignore light refraction the experiment loses all credibility.

    • Photo: Mark Johnson

      Mark Johnson answered on 19 Nov 2019: last edited 19 Nov 2019 6:30 pm

      The others have already answered this question brilliantly, but I wanted to add one last piece of ‘evidence’ that the Earth is a sphere. Here’s a beautiful photo of our planet from space: https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/wp-content/uploads/sites/1/files/styles/full_width/public/thumbnails/image/1-bluemarble_west.jpg?itok=hRooa_1o

      Whenever the ‘flat earth’ debate pops up, I always think it’s good to highlight how much modern technology relies on the Earth being round. For example, satellites can’t keep a regular orbit around a flat disk. Without satellites, we wouldn’t have mobile phones, GPS or satellite imaging – can you image how different everyday life would look?
