• Question: What is your favourite thing about science

    Asked by anon-232567 to Mark, Liam, Laura, Kasia, Gina, Felix on 18 Nov 2019. This question was also asked by anon-232563.
    • Photo: Mark Johnson

      Mark Johnson answered on 18 Nov 2019:

      My favourite thing about science is taking on on questions that no-one else knows the answer to yet.

      This doesn’t always involve writing down complicated theories to explain the origin of the universe. Sometimes it’s just as exciting to tackle a very specific problem, like designing the magnets for a new particle accelerator, or thinking of better ways to detect harmful radiation. Whatever problem you are trying to solve, there’s always a sense of discovery, and it can be really rewarding when you finally solve a challenging problem!

    • Photo: Laura Sinclair

      Laura Sinclair answered on 19 Nov 2019:

      What I love is that we have a vast accumulation of scientific knowledge, which has come from people from all walks of life. Male or female, European or Asian, every country and culture has contributed to some sort of scientific knowledge. Despite all the languages, religions, and any other “divides”, people contribute to science and bring the world together.

    • Photo: Felix Warren

      Felix Warren answered on 19 Nov 2019:

      I’m bad at favourites so I’ll do 3 things

      1 – it’s cool, what other subject let’s you stuff a bunch of chemicals in a bottle and watch it melt stuff or let’s you set fire to explosive bubbles on your teacher’s arm(he was fine, saved him shaving his arms)

      2 – it’s a very objective subject. I’ve allways liked the idea of stuff like English and history but in school I found it alot easier and more enjoyable to awnser a question through numbers and solid facts as opposed to English where there is a lot of interpretation.

      3 – it’s very structured, you set out a plan of action, an objective and an expected result. You then follow that plan to complete the objective to get your result.

    • Photo: Liam Gaffney

      Liam Gaffney answered on 21 Nov 2019:

      I love that science is universal and the knowledge that it creates can be used by anybody, anywhere, for free. It has made our lives better, whether it’s new technology or medicines/cures and we all get to enjoy it.

      I heard somebody describe scientific knowledge like this: if all the books were destroyed and all knowledge started again from zero, eventually the humans that follow us would discover all the same laws about how things work. That’s not true of art, because the same songs wouldn’t be written, all the books or paintings would be different, but science would be the same. I thought that was quite a cool way of thinking about it.
