• Question: What are your thoughts on Chernobyl?

    Asked by anon-232558 to Mark, Liam, Laura, Kasia, Gina, Felix on 15 Nov 2019.
    • Photo: Felix Warren

      Felix Warren answered on 15 Nov 2019:

      Its a super interesting thing to read about especially the circumstances surrounding the incident and how people who lived in the area responded to the incident.

    • Photo: Liam Gaffney

      Liam Gaffney answered on 18 Nov 2019:

      The TV show, or the explosion? I haven’t seen the TV show yet, but everybody keeps telling me that I should, especially as I am *NUCLEAR* physicist. Maybe it’s something I should watch over the Christmas holidays.

    • Photo: Laura Sinclair

      Laura Sinclair answered on 19 Nov 2019:

      I went on a two day tour in Chernobyl in 2018. It is a huge tragedy that resulted in the loss of life, people lost their homes and it was just awful. People gave their lives to stop the accident becoming worse, and some fire-fighters went in not knowing what was going to happen.

      Visiting Chernobyl was an interesting experience, I learnt a lot about the accident and the history of how it happened. I saw nurseries, hospitals, police stations just completely empty and nature overtaking them. There were wild dogs running around because people had to leave their pets behind.

      I went to the home of someone who lives in Chernobyl. She had been forced to live in Kiev but she missed village life and Chernobyl was her home. She returned in the mid 1990s to a village, and life was much simpler in her home. It was a sobering and interesting place to visit.

    • Photo: Mark Johnson

      Mark Johnson answered on 20 Nov 2019:

      I’ve never been lucky enough to visit Chernobyl, but it’s really interesting to read about all of the failures that led up to the accident, and how nuclear reactors have been improved since then.
      Like Liam, I’m planning to watch the TV show over Christmas – I’ve heard it’s really good. My university department had a screening of the series a few weeks ago, but I missed the first episode!
